Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Number 37

Today is my birthday.  Apparently I turned 37 this year.  I really don't keep track that closely, as it doesn't really matter.  Or, using my Dad's long-standing argument: it changes every year anyway, so why bother learning it.  I'm in my mid-thirties, and that's all that matters, though that probably isn't going to be very reasonable to say next year.  Anyway, I had a nice day today.  I really tried to avoid traveling for work, which I was able to do, though I did have a web demo today, which isn't ideal, but was okay.  I've also been extremely busy overall lately at work while I'm essentially covering the territory of two sales engineers.  So it wasn't quite as relaxing as I'd like, but it was still good overall.  When I got home, we celebrated my birthday as a family.  Meghan had made me a lemon cake with raspberry filling and vanilla bean frosting.  It was as good as you'd think based on that description.  In addition to the cards and checks, I received a Sporting KC pint glass, a flexible work light, and a Chipotle gift card, all of which made me happy.  One of these years I probably won't be able to be home on my birthday, so I'm always appreciative when I can be here.

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