Monday, September 29, 2014

Deanna Rose Season Drawing to a Close

Fall is so lovely and as a stand-alone season, I love it way more than Spring. However, the reality is that with every day getting shorter it's always in the back of your mind that winter is coming, whereas in the Spring, you have the whole summer ahead of you. Nowhere do I feel that more than at Deanna Rose because they actually completely close after Halloween until April. So today we went there, probably for one of the last times this year. We had a great time.

The kids were really excited to feed animals today. Most of the time when we come here, they just want to play at the playgrounds and don't even care about the animals, so that was surprising. But they had a lot of fun doing it.

They especially enjoyed feeding the swans. I have no idea why because look at their gross long necks (the better to reach you to bite you) and their disgusting feet. But they liked it a lot. We ran into the Keelers again (Which seems unlikely, but I am really surprised we don't run into each other more. We are totally making the same rounds on the parks on mostly the same days of the week because of preschool) and they were nice enough to share their duck feed after Joshua was done with ours so he got extra swan time.

Also today, the bobcat was actually moving around. I am not sure I have seen him walk around before, so that was exciting.

Even with all that action, Clara's favorite activity was splashing in a puddle she found. She did it for quite some time. 

Hannah didn't really enjoy the animals today except the swans, but she was pretty excited to play on the playground. We don't know that little girl, but she was very interested in the rhinestones on Hannah's headband. We had a fun day out today and hopefully we'll make it out to the farmstead at least a couple more times before it closes.

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