Saturday, September 13, 2014

Not Biking

We knew the weather was going to be good today, so we'd been planning to go on a bike ride this morning since earlier this week.  Last night I aired up all the tires of all of our things (seven total tires), made some adjustments to the Weehoo, and even switched the collar of it to be attached to my bike seat to make it easier to hook up when we need to do so.  We were all set for this morning, and as soon as Joshua got home from soccer, I started to load up the bikes, only to discover my rear tire was flat.  Apparently while airing it up last night, the foot pump had slipped (I remember it happening, but I didn't think much of it at the time) and struck the sidewall of the tire.  My bike tires have a weird woven cloth sidewall, so it punctured that and the inner tube.  So there went our morning bike ride.  After lunch, I bought a new tube in hopes of repairing things to allow for an early evening bike ride, but I found the tire was just too damaged.  So no bike ride today for us.  Everyone was really disappointed.  We decided we still wanted to get out, so we went to a nearby park as a family, which was fun.  Joshua climbed "all these circles", and later Clara did too.  Hopefully I can get new tires for my bike so we can go again a few more times before the weather gets too cold.

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