Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Cake Helpers

Tonight the kids and I made Jason's cake since his birthday is tomorrow. They all really wanted to help handle the eggs and that really didn't work out because I have a strong preference for not cleaning broken eggs off of my floor. I let them add some milk and flour and then eat some batter (Joshua also had some, but he didn't like it that much because it was extremely lemony so he didn't eat it long enough for me to get a photo. Since flavors get milder after being baked, the batter had a very strong lemon taste that was just too much for him). Clara, as normal, was fine with it for a second and took a little bit and then was done, but Hannah really loved it. She kept saying, "More Birthday. More Birthday." Luckily for her, this starts the season in our family where birthday cake is in plentiful supply.

1 comment:

  1. Yum, I am totally with Hannah. I love cake batter...and raw cookie dough.
