Friday, May 16, 2014

Making Progress with Bikes

This morning we decided to take advantage of the sun finally coming out and it being just a little bit warmer and ride bikes. The kids had a lot of fun and they have definitely made strides since last year. Joshua is much more consistent with pedaling now, and the girls both enjoy being on a bike. I would like to work a little more with Clara on pedaling, but she can't totally reach the pedals correctly for any bike we have and we have the smallest bikes I could find. She is really close, so hopefully soon this will be something we can talk about. For now, she really likes her big wheel and she can propel herself with her feet.

After lunch we watched a movie. Poor Clara isn't really sick, but she hasn't been feeling that great yesterday or today. She seemed super tired today and just laid on the couch with the pugs and watched the show, which is really unheard of for my kids. Normally they get up and move around and don't watch anything over 20 minutes or so without getting up and playing. Hopefully she feels better tomorrow. She doesn't really have a fever or any symptoms, so maybe it's residual tiredness from all the upheaval from the trip, not sure.

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