Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Glumpy Grass

Joshua sometimes has a really good memory for certain things.  Several weeks ago I was mowing the yard, and the grass was still somewhat wet from a recent rain.  I don't remember the circumstances, but I pretty much had to mow the yard that day.  That meant the mower would periodically get clogged up, as the wet grass would clump and stick to the underside of the mower.  If that happens for more than a couple seconds, the mower gets so clogged it shuts off.  Joshua was out in the back yard with me that day (We had an extensive conversation about safety that day before he was allowed to be out there with me, and he really took it to heart, because as soon as he sees me about to start the mower, he always takes off to be far away from me before turning around to watch.  I still keep an eye out for him, though, just in case.), and when the mower shuts off, it leaves a big pile of clumped grass under it.  I then put it all in the lawn bag, empty the mower bad, clean off any other clumped grass, and start again.  I figured he would like to help me pick up the grass and put it in the lawn bag, so I had asked him if he wanted to help.  So he would play with his trucks or whatever at a safe distance, but as soon as he heard the mower clog up and stop, he would then run over to me and we'd pick up the clumps.  I had originally asked him if he wanted to help me with the clumpy grass, but he misheard me and kept saying, "You need help with glumpy grass?".  We did it about ten times that night, and it was great fun.

We've been gone for two weeks, so I knew I had to mow our yard when we got back.  I did most of it on Sunday, but I had to finish up tonight.  He was in the back yard with me today, and the first time I emptied the bag, he yelled at me from across the yard, "Hey Dad!  You need help with glumpy grass?"  I didn't that time, which was disappointing to him, because the yard wasn't very wet.  But there was one time later in the mow where there was some clumping, so I called over to him, and he was very excited to help with the clumps.

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