Saturday, October 11, 2014

The End of Fall Soccer

 Today was Joshua's last soccer session of the season so we decided to go as a family to watch him. Clara was really excited, only to become very disappointed when she learned she wasn't on the team. She played with Jason for awhile, but it didn't totally appease her.

 She really wanted to huddle up with the team and was really upset that I wouldn't let her go over there. Since the team is made up of 4-year-old boys, none of them actually really wanted to huddle up so she probably would have been one of the more devoted huddlers.

 Joshua played really well and actually tried to get the ball and listened reasonably well and maybe even kicked it once. The girls and I had fun on the sidelines.

 After the game, the coach presented medals and they got one last team photo. I think this was a good experience for Joshua and I think he will want to play again in the spring.

After that, we came home and the girls took naps. Joshua told Jason that he wanted to go outside and hammer the tree. Jason said no, but Joshua had a really elaborate plan in mind. He told Jason he needed to go hammer the tree because it was dead and he needed to "take care of it". And then he was going to drive to the store and get a new tree. He said he was going to go by himself in daddy's car. When Jason asked how he would pay for the tree, Joshua said he was just going to talk to the man about it and he would give it to him after the talk. Then he was going to bring the tree home and plant it. We aren't sure where he got the idea for all this, but that tree was dead, so Jason let him hammer it since it seemed a shame to let all that planning go to waste.

He hammered it for quite some time and, finally, it actually came down. He was so super proud and excited about it. He didn't get to implement the later parts of his plan involving driving a car or negotiating a free tree, but he seemed really satisfied with how the afternoon went.

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