Thursday, October 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Hannah!

 Today Hannah turned two, and we are lucky that Jim could be here to celebrate with us. Before the festivities began, he was nice enough to do some work around the house (which pretty makes him the best house guest ever). He fixed a leaky sink with (or in spite of?) Joshua's help.

 After that, we did presents. Hannah is pretty iffy on opening wrapped gifts. She can do it, but she doesn't like ripping things. But she is totally on board with taking things out of bags.

She got some fun stuff and did not immediately reject her new baby I got her, so that was a relief. Though I think the toys will overall be her favorite gifts, she was most immediately excited about her new bike helmet. She doesn't really need a helmet because the purpose of a helmet is to protect you if you fall onto the pavement and there is zero chance of that happening in a trailer with a rollbar, but she really wants one because the other kids have one since they ride in the Weehoo, and that doesn't have a roll bar.

After presents, we ate dinner. I always try to do whatever my kids will like most on their birthdays and Hannah's favorite food is definitely a happy meal from McDonald's with chicken nuggets. She is quite particular on nuggets and is never as excited about other types of them, whether they are homemade or from other restaurants.

Next we had cake. Hannah did a good job blowing out her candles.

We started out having cake and I cut Hannah's for her. This did not please her at all. She basically refused to eat it and pouted. Then I gave her my "big cake" and she was all smiles again.

We cannot believe our baby girl is two. Not only have her first two years gone by so fast, but this puts us into an entirely different phase of life since I feel like at two, there is just no baby left and now we are done with babies. We can hardly believe that this is the same girl who didn't want to walk. She is fiercely independent and wants to do everything herself. Besides her baby, she loves jumping and climbing and building. She wants to do everything the other kids do. Though she wants to be big, she also realizes she gains a lot of benefit from being the baby. She gets away with a lot because she is the youngest and all day today she said, "It's not my birthday. I'm a baby" to make sure her status of not having to sit in timeout for jumping on the couch was secured. Probably once you can talk in complete sentences, being a baby is not a valid excuse, but she believes it is. She is a small girl, actually very similar in height to Clara at the same age. She is about 32.25 inches tall, which is the tenth percentile and her weight is average for her height. Though I would prefer her to be a bit taller generally, I have been glad that she can wear Clara's clothes from last year since I never thought that would be possible. We love her so much and can't wait to see her continue to grow up into a big girl!

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