Friday, October 17, 2014

A Fun Friday at the Museum

Today I decided to take the kids to the Children's Discovery Center in Topeka. While there are tons of things to do on the inside, I wanted to spend most of our time outdoors since it was such a nice day. Their grounds are really great. We started out on the back lawn.

Then we walked across a bridge to the play area. Joshua and Clara loved this because it was halved logs so they wobbled as you walked on them. Hannah wasn't sure why they would make something so unsafe so she didn't walk on it.

Then we got to the play area. Joshua mostly wanted to jump around with his stick. But Clara surprised me and wanted to play on all the stuff just like the big kids do. And Hannah wasn't that thrilled because she thought the slide was too fast.

We also rode bikes. Hannah started out on a tandem trike with Joshua, but she decided he drove like a drunk, so she demanded to switch to a wagon. At that point, we switched Joshua to the single trike and Clara (who is still a little spotty on pedaling, not to mention extremely short so can't always fully extend her leg) joined Hannah in the wagon.

Finally, Joshua really enjoyed the musical garden. Hannah and Clara still wanted to play in the wagon some more so they didn't do it this time. 

After that, I decided we should go in because it was getting close to time to leave. So we went inside and did some painting. First Joshua didn't want to, but then Hannah was done and Joshua wanted to try so Hannah climbed around while Joshua and Clara painted.

We did the air tubes that shoot out soft balls. All three kids love that.

The last thing we did before leaving was watch part of an Aztec dancing expo. This was part of the Day of the Dead celebration this month. I would have liked to watch more, but it was really late and the kids weren't that interested.

We had a really fun trip. I am sure we will go here lots of times this winter, but it was nice to be able to go before it is too cold and really get to use the outdoor area.

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