Saturday, August 16, 2014

Date Night at Granite City

Today Jason and I had a date night. Normally we try to eat dinner some place we can really enjoy and that we can't take the kids. We have started watching the Good Wife, though, and it takes us forever to get through a series since Jason travels and some nights it just doesn't work out. So we really wanted to watch a few episodes tonight, which meant we wanted to stay in Olathe for dinner so we would have time. Unfortunately, Olathe is not really known for having good restaurants. There really aren't any. So we went to Granite City, which hangs its hat on being good enough to not offend anyone, but not good enough to actually be good. It's basically a slightly nicer Applebee's. So we had a pleasant dinner full of mediocre food and then we went home to watch our show. It was a nice and relaxing night that we really enjoyed, though I do think it will be a very long time, if ever, that we return to Granite City.

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