Wednesday, August 13, 2014

50% Done with Pettiskirts

This past week or two I have working on a pettiskirt for Hannah to wear on her birthday (modeled by Clara since Hannah was unavailable). In the past I have bought tutus, but I decided I could make one and I like the fullness of pettiskirts a little more than the typical tutu. I really wish I had bought them because after I bought the (non-returnable) supplies, I found them for sale for not so much more than the cost of my supplies and my time is worth a lot to me. But, it is a labor of love and I was able to choose the colors I wanted and I gained valuable experience using a ruffler foot on my sewing machine which, with girls, I am sure will come in handy over time. As always, this is my first one ever so there are things I will be doing differently when I start Clara's next week. But for something that they will wear one day and then for dress-up, I am happy enough with it. Also, our daughter is not an amputee, but I had real problems getting a non-blurry photo and this was one of the only ones. And the white blob is a bow that should be on the side, but you can only do so much with a super tired two-year-old model who has her own ideas about fashion. I am glad to be making good progress on their birthday skirts because I am considering making the girls' Halloween costumes. I haven't decided for sure yet, but if I do, I would want to be able to start that in early September so it's imperative to complete these before that. Or at least Hannah's and I prefer to work at them on the same time.

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