Monday, June 23, 2014

Three Stages of Play Dough

Today we did play dough. It is really interesting because they all like doing play dough, but use it in totally different ways. Joshua is basically the perfect age for play dough. He is old enough not to put it in his mouth and to enjoy making things and imagining what they are. He pretends he is making treats and monkeys and balls and all sorts of things. My only problem with him is when he imagines an entire play dough baseball game, complete with hitting play dough balls with play dough bats. Those balls end up on the floor at times, which does not make me happy. Clara is old enough not to put it in her mouth, but is limited to making balls and snakes and things like that and doesn't really do a lot of imaginative play yet. She likes me to help her make things. Hannah is basically a play dough disaster and is really not the right age for it. However, she has a firm belief that she should do whatever the big kids do so she throws a raging fit if she doesn't get to play with it. Playing with it for her entails putting it directly in her mouth and waving around a straw. So I have homemade play dough I give to her so at least I know it isn't toxic, though it has a lot of salt in it. The other two vastly prefer store-bought play dough, much to my disappointment so I let them play with that and keep the home-made stuff for Hannah.

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