Tuesday, June 3, 2014

A Walk That Turned Into Park Time

Although it was hot today, the weather tonight was much more pleasant, so we went on a walk after dinner.  We have a variety of kid-transporting devices, and tonight's combination ended up being Joshua and Hannah in the wagon, and Clara in the push trike.  We had just planned to go on a walk, but as we passed the elementary school by our house, the kids asked to stop and play at the playground there, so we did.

A lot of playground equipment has changed since I was a kid, but the climbing dome is something that has apparently endured, at some newer playgrounds have one.  Joshua has been a little reluctant to climb up them in the past, but today he got up the courage and climbed all the way to the top.  He was pretty proud of himself.

There was another family there with three kids, and Joshua made friends with their oldest child, a girl named Anna. They found a moth and were caring for it, which they were okay with when it wasn't flying.  But eventually the moth had enough and suddenly flew out of their hands, which kind of freaked Anna out, but made Joshua excited to go find it.  Sadly, the moth flew away never to be found again, but the kids quickly adjusted and went back to the playground equipment.

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