Saturday, December 20, 2014

Who's the Fairest Hannah of Them All?

Today for my date day with Hannah, I took her to the mall. I know I did that on a previous date day with her, but it's cold today, so my options were limited, and she really enjoys that type of thing.  We ate some pizza (she was not thrilled at the lack of chicken nuggets in the food court), and then walked around for awhile.  She happily walked around holding my hand, but in a couple open areas I encouraged her to walk around on her own.

At one point she found another really cute little girl and decided the other girl was so cute she had to kiss her.  She knew what was going on but was still fascinated by it.

We did struggle with some unfamiliar things.  At first she was interested in the carousel, but as soon as her panda started going up and down, she wanted no part of it, so we spent most of the ride sitting on a bench together.  The escalator was also a bit of a challenge.  She was unsure of it, but by her second time on it, she seemed to decide it might not eat her after all, and she cautiously rode it.

We ended with a cookie treat from Mrs. Fields.  Despite the urban myth, Black Friday is not the busiest shopping day of the year.  It's almost always (it depends on the day of the week that Christmas falls) the Saturday before Christmas, which was today, so I might be crazy for voluntarily going to Oak Park when I had no actual reason to do so, but it was a lot of fun for both me and for Hannah.

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