Thursday, July 10, 2014

Cake Decorator Boss

A skill/talent I never expected I would have is that of a cake decorator.  But through the course of decorating the birthday cakes for our kids' parties so far, I've found that it's something I enjoy and something that I have a little bit of a knack for.  I didn't do Joshua's first birthday (we order his fondant farm animals online), but I did the cakes for his second birthday and his third birthday, and I did the cake for Clara's first and second, and the one for Hannah's first.  Through those cakes, I've picked up some experience and learned some tips and tricks.  Benjamin's first birthday party is Saturday, and Julie asked me to help her with the cake.  She and Andrew came up with a cute theme, and tonight I went over to her house, and she, Joanna, and I worked on the cake.  We didn't have time to do the whole thing tonight, so we got it started, and I tried to point her in the right direction to get the rest of it done before the party.  We got a good start on the cake, but the best part of the evening for me was getting to do a project together with my two sisters, which was really fun.  Here I am with a ball of fondant that I had colored purple to use to create some sea creatures.

1 comment:

  1. It was a lot of fun! I'm glad we were able to spend that time together!
