Friday, July 18, 2014

A Big Girl Bed for Our Little Big Girl

Hannah probably could have been okay with being in the crib for quite some time. She isn't a huge climber and didn't have a problem with sleeping in there so she wasn't trying to get out. And I didn't need the crib for another kid like I did when the others were small so I didn't really need her out. But I decided to make the transition anyway. I had a few reasons. Firstly, to get the crib out of the bedroom you have to disassemble it, which I have to do if company comes. It's not the end of the world and we don't have company all that often, but it's so much easier just to carry a toddler bed right on out of there. Secondly, I think if you wait too long for these types of transitions, they become harder becuase a kid who is over two has more fear and doesn't respond as well to change typically so I think she's at a great age for it. And thirdly, she loves Clara's bed and is always trying to lie in it, so I thought she would like it.

The transition has gone really well. She liked her new bed right away and hasn't protested at all and just lays right down every night. Sometimes she isn't happy about bed time, which is the same feeling she had in her crib, but she hasn't started banging on the door or getting out of bed or anything like that. I actually cannot believe how she just lays right down and goes to sleep like some sort of compliant child doing what I want (I barely have any experience with this type of thing). Her blankie is key for bedtime happiness and she has lately been really into her baby, but as long as she has those things, it is going great. I sold our crib Wednesday so it's kind of like this major phase of our life has ended, but I guess I wasn't all that focused on the sleeping arrangements of our kids because I don't feel too sentimental about it.

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