Saturday, July 12, 2014

Benjamin's First Birthday Party

Benjamin's first birthday was yesterday, and his party was today.  This was my first chance to see the finished product of the cake, and it turned out great!  I was really impressed by what Julie and Joanna had made.  The dessert options also featured blue sea life cupcakes for attendees who were more than 366 days old.

Joanna was in town, so she got to spend time with all four of her nieces and nephews in one place.  The other attendees included Mom and Ron; Grandpa and Grandma; Matt; Tom and Pat; and Wally, Lisa, and Natalie.

When it was time for Benjamin to have his cake, he wasn't sure what to make of it.  He was a little tentative at first and then panicked a bit when he got cake on his hands.  But he dug in a little further and then kinda realized he was uncomfortable with the situation and seemed to ask for help to clean up this mess that he was unexpectedly facing.  It's always cute to see how a kid reacts to the cake on their first birthday, and his curiosity followed by trepidation followed by alarm/disgust was super cute.

Our kids were delighted to get to eat the cupcakes, and the blue coloring made for some humorous visuals.

The parents and the birthday boy tried to get pictures, but Benjamin insisted on holding a green cup in front of his face, and he was pretty serious about his new-found possession. Attempts to remove it from his grasp resulted in what sounded like little verbal threats of bodily harm, so we let him keep it. We took a picture of our family with Benjamin, but our kids apparent obsession with their own faces resulted in the above picture, which isn't exactly what we had in mind.

We then tried to get a picture of the four cousins, but there were too many straws, spoons, and yellow submarines around for the kids to care too much about what their parents were trying to achieve.

We then moved on to cards and gifts. Benjamin received several fun things, but nothing seemed to capture his interest as much as a toy lawn mower.

It was a really fun party, and Julie and Andrew did a great job of planning it and executing it well.  It's a little hard to believe that little Benjamin is already a year old, but he's cuter than ever, and we're excited to continue to watch him grow.

1 comment:

  1. It truly was a wonderful day! I have to say, Julie did a majority of the cake and she did a SUPER job. I did a pretty good job cutting out those shells though! I just think Benjamin didn't want to destroy the cake that was made so lovingly by some of his favorite people :)
