Friday, February 28, 2014
Finding Meghan
Tonight after I put the kids to bed, I came out of Joshua's room (he was last) and went downstairs to finish cleaning up. I heard Hannah crying for a few minutes, which she sometimes does, but then it was quiet. I went back upstairs and expected Meghan to be in our room, but she wasn't. I noticed she wasn't in the bathroom either. I figured she must be in our master bedroom closet, but no. It was completely quiet, so I figured she must have gone down to the basement to get something. I checked down there, but nothing. After checking the garage, and verifying that her car was still here, I came to the realization that she must be in Hannah's room, as maybe she went in there to check on her and was rocking her. I grabbed the camera, wondering if maybe there would be a good photo opp, but Hannah was the only person in there, sleeping in her crib. I wasn't quite worried, because I knew there had to be a good explanation, but it was starting to get a little weird. She wouldn't be outside, because it's freezing out there. I was literally down to the coat closet, the pantry, and Clara's room as the only remaining possibilities. She's not a weirdo who hangs out in small, dark places, so that meant she must be in Clara's room, even though I hadn't heard Clara crying, and it had been quiet for so long. Quietly opening the door, I found her with Clara asleep on the love seat, joined by a tired Terrence. Apparently Clara had been crying (I guess I was busy with Joshua or whatever), and Meghan had gone in there to comfort her and they had all fallen asleep on the couch. I hadn't been worried, but it was a little uneasy with her not being in any of her normal spots, so I was glad to have everyone accounted for.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
A Family of Scavengers
Today we had a dinner that I didn't really like (I really like shrimp, but there is something about pre-cooked shrimp that at times I just do not want. I think it's texture-related. I much prefer buying raw and cooking it myself, but I had somehow run out of raw shrimp) so I ate my own dinner afterwards. You would think, based on this picture, that we hadn't fed the kids, but they all ate totally sufficient dinners. As did the pugs. But no matter. Anytime I eat anything, it automatically becomes the most desired food in our house. Which can be handy in getting Clara and Hannah to eat veggies since they aren't huge fans, but overall can be a little bit annoying. I had hoped to eat my food in peace since all the kids were happily playing as I cooked it, but the moment I sat down, all their toys were abandoned and they immediately came to "share". So I split my food four ways (sorry pugs. Better luck next time), though I don't feel bad admitting that my share was the largest.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Hooded Girls
Both girls had on hooded outfits today, and I thought it would be cute to get a picture of them together with their hoods up. But either Clara's is just decorative and not meant to actually go over her head, or the outfit is too small, as it didn't look right. (In one picture that I didn't end up using, she looked like she had the back of her t-shirt pulled up over her head, Cornholio-style.) So here they are, though at least Hannah's hood fits.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Don't Eat The Toothpaste
As I've recently mentioned, Joshua isn't satisfied with our unreasonable demand that he stay in his own room at night like every other member of our household. Tonight he again came out of his room, and he decided to explore the craft closet, which is in the small hallway between his and Clara's room. He made a small mess, but nothing too bad. But we also keep some spare toothpaste in there, and he reported to us that he drank some. I found a tiny tube that was mostly consumed and was disappointed to see that it had fluoride in it. Fluoride is toxic, which is why toothpaste for kids is often fluoride-free, as their little bodies are more susceptible: Half a full-sized tube of regular toothpaste can kill a child. It was a 0.75 oz tube (a trial size), and he'd only had about 80% of it, but we decided to call Poison Control to be safe. The lady who answered asked some questions and then told me to give him two Tums and some milk and watch him for an hour, and she'd then call back. I thought that was a little much for how little he consumed, but I also figured getting sued isn't something she has a strong interest in, so she probably errs on the side of caution. Here Joshua tiredly drinks his milk while we were hanging out waiting for the hour to pass. He seemed fine and said his tummy didn't hurt. When the lady called back I told her he was fine and that I was glad it was only a 0.75 oz tube. She seemed surprised and said she thought I'd said it was a small 3 oz tube (which I definitely didn't), and said, "Oh, I'm sure he's fine then!" Yes, I'm sure he is, but maybe improve your listening skills for the future, lady. There are only two parts of your job: 1. Listen to the scenario. 2. Dispense advice accordingly. If you're a little shaky on #1, maybe find a new line of work, or you're going to get stuck in the opposite scenario ("Oh, you said he ate 3 tubes of toothpaste? I thought you said 3 ounces!") and that lawsuit you were hoping to avoid is going to be a sudden reality. Either way, Joshua is fine, but we've now moved all toothpaste out of that closet.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Texting Julie
Joshua likes to do what the grown-ups do. He knows that sometimes we text on our phones. He doesn't have a phone, but he does get to use Meghan's tablet quite a bit. One of the apps on it is a calculator app. We are happy for him to use it, because there's nothing he can do to cause problems (as opposed to, say, an e-mail app from which he could theoretically send a confusing e-mail to people at our jobs, for example). He likes it because he can press buttons and make things change on the screen in front of him. Tonight before bed he was using the calculator app (with a diaper on; he's not as naked as he appears in the picture), and I asked him what he was doing, and he said, "I texting Julie." I don't know if he was pretending, or since he doesn't really know what texting entails if he really thought he was, but either way it was cute.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Date Day at the Gym
Today was my date day with Clara. We started out with lunch at Chili's. She insisted she wanted a hamburger, which I was skeptical of because she isn't much of a carnivore. But she did actually eat an entire half a burger, which is a lot of food for her. She also really enjoyed the coloring portion of our meal.
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After lunch we ran some errands, but then it was time for our main attraction: open play at a local gym. We hadn't been to this facility before so I wasn't sure what to expect, but she really had a lot of fun. They had a lot of different things set up that were perfect for her age group. Her favorite was the long trampoline. For older kids you could swing off a rope from the trampoline to the foam pit, but she was content jumping and running back and forth on the trampoline for a really long time. She also liked some of the toys they had set up and also the little obstacle course. I would definitely go back to this gym because it was very geared towards little kids.
We wrapped our fun time out with a sucker from the gym, which she enjoyed very much. We had a fun time and she fell asleep really quickly once we got home after running and jumping so much.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Conquering the Dirty Icy Snow Pile
Friday, February 21, 2014
Hannah is becoming a little more adventurous as she gets older, relatively anyway. Her favorite game right now is to get on the ottoman (well she can't get up there by herself yet, so with assistance) and then "jumping" into my arms. She has always liked being thrown and falling so I think this is a similar thing, but she gets to propel herself. It's really cute because she stands by the ottoman and says "Jump. Jump." until I pick her up. The only problem is she has flung herself into me a couple times when I was just sitting on the couch and not really watching for her so I didn't catch her. But she didn't seem traumatized by it so I guess it's fine.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Junior Olympic Fan
Jason really likes watching the Olympics. I am not as big on it, especially the winter, but we right now the Sochi Olympics are ongoing, and we have been watching a fair amount of it during the evenings since Jason is such a fan. Clara has been really disappointed by this and pretty much throws a fit and asks for Sesame Street or Veggie Tales. But Joshua really likes it and asks about it frequently. He really likes more of the adventure-type activities like skiing with jumps or snowboarding. Today there was figure-skating on, though skiing came on later. He is not a figure skating fan. He keeps saying, "Maybe they fall?" with some hopefulness in his voice. It's like that's the only way to make it exciting enough for him. He really liked skiing though. He actually said he wanted to go skiing. I have only been once and I hated it so I doubt we will be taking any family ski trips in the near future, but maybe sometime in the next couple of years he can go to Snow Creek with Jason (who likes skiing).
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
A Fun New Way to Play
Joshua has been a little bit slow to develop into imaginative play. Clara already is very excited to play with her babies and talk about how they are hungry or whatever, but Joshua hasn't been all that interested in stuff like that, whether it's babies, trucks, or anything else. But recently he has gotten really into it in a lot of different ways. Above you can see him pretending to be 'Super Grover'. Clara of course wants to participate and I haven't made her a cape yet so we have been using her apron as a cape. They like running around the kitchen island and pretending to fly.
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Grandparents' Day in February
Grandparents' Day is officially in September, but for whatever reason Joshua's school celebrates it in the winter. It was supposed to be a couple weeks ago, but school was closed due to snow. But luckily Peg and Ron could still attend the make-up day which was today. They had a good time having breakfast and seeing Joshua's school and teacher and friends.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Today was a holiday for Jason and I don't work on Mondays so it was a nice three-day weekend for us. Jason took advantage of the time and worked on fixing our toilet. It was a bit hard to diagnose because it wasn't super broken, it just wasn't quite right. He also had an assistant who was happy to hold a light, but may or may not have made the whole process a little longer. It is adorable to see how excited Joshua gets to fix things. He just loves it, especially when he gets to help Jason on a real repair project.
While Jason and Joshua worked on that, Clara mostly made a nuisance of herself by constantly trying to play in the water in the bathroom. But Hannah worked on her walking skills, which she is very proud of. She also took advantage of Clara being distracted and got to play with Clara's "Pumpkin Pie" (this is what Clara has decided the jack o' lantern is called, despite repeated explanation, though it's pretty cute so we have mostly stopped correcting her and now Joshua also calls it a pumpkin pie), which Clara is normally quite possessive of. When you're the smallest kid, you have to take advantage of these opportunities.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Our Blue-Eyed Princess
Joshua likes talking about the eye-color of people in our family so we talk a lot about how Joshua and Mama and Hannah have brown eyes and Clara and Daddy have blue eyes. Because of her eye and skin color, Clara looks very nice in the color blue. Today we debuted a dress we got as a hand-me-down from a friend and she looked so nice in it.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Kicking and Not Listening
But he did well overall. In particular, he's great with kicking. He wasn't great at it last year, but he suddenly started consistently kicking with his left foot, and now he has great accuracy and power with his kicks. Here is is showing that off during the activity where they stack cones and then kick the ball at the tower.
Friday, February 14, 2014
Happy Valentine's Day!
Now that we have kids, Valentine's Day isn't really as much of a romantic holiday, though we do exchange cards. But it's more of a day celebrating family love as well. We were never super into it anyway, but finding child care and then spending a lot of money on dinner in over-crowded restaurants just isn't our scene so we prefer to stay at home and do a date night later in the month. So we celebrated today at home and started our festivities with treats (fruit gummies for the kids, Nerds for the grownups)
Then we had our kid-friendly dinner of heart-shaped pizza and garlic rolls and red-beet hummus with pita chips. Tomorrow we are having our more grown-up menu of steaks, blackberry salad with goat cheese, and risotto, but we started with the heart-shaped stuff first.
For dessert, I made red velvet ice cream sandwiches and I did them in heart-shapes. I had some store-bought raspberry sherbet leftover from forever ago, so we also had one raspberry one. It was nowhere near as good, but somewhat less stainy so I gave it to the kids.
They aren't ice cream connoisseurs, so they loved it even though it wasn't as good as the red velvet.
We finished off the evening with cards and a new Veggie Tales. The girls aren't really old enough to appreciate cards, but Joshua is and he really loved the robot card that lights up that Jason got him. He didn't really understand the concept of showing the card to the camera, so this is the best we got. Though it wasn't super romantic, it was a good and happy day and we had fun.
Then we had our kid-friendly dinner of heart-shaped pizza and garlic rolls and red-beet hummus with pita chips. Tomorrow we are having our more grown-up menu of steaks, blackberry salad with goat cheese, and risotto, but we started with the heart-shaped stuff first.
For dessert, I made red velvet ice cream sandwiches and I did them in heart-shapes. I had some store-bought raspberry sherbet leftover from forever ago, so we also had one raspberry one. It was nowhere near as good, but somewhat less stainy so I gave it to the kids.
They aren't ice cream connoisseurs, so they loved it even though it wasn't as good as the red velvet.
We finished off the evening with cards and a new Veggie Tales. The girls aren't really old enough to appreciate cards, but Joshua is and he really loved the robot card that lights up that Jason got him. He didn't really understand the concept of showing the card to the camera, so this is the best we got. Though it wasn't super romantic, it was a good and happy day and we had fun.
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Trains and Ice Skating at Crown Center
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