Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Once in a Lifetime

So this is not the most flattering picture of me because I am cold and it's really late at night since I can't leave my children unattended when they are awake and it's under the fluorescent lights of our garage. But I took it anyway because this is me with a shovel. Which is not what I do. But Jason is away and, though he worked really hard to completely shovel our driveway before he left, the plow came through so I had to touch up the driveway where they had put new snow from the street into our driveway. Perhaps for most people it's no big deal, but I really really do not do manual labor like ever. So it's photo-worthy. And it better never happen again. Last winter was a fluke. This winter is unacceptable. If it becomes a third, that's officially a trend and I don't know if I can live with that without going a couple hundred miles south.

1 comment:

  1. I'm laughing so hard. Only cuz I know just how much you HATE manual labor. You look pretty happy tho. lol I can't tell you how much i DON'T miss shoveling the snow. Steve seemed to always have a trip when it snowed.
