Saturday, February 15, 2014

Kicking and Not Listening

We enrolled Joshua in soccer for this session.  We skipped the fall session, as we had too much going on, but this winter session is working well for us.  This year he's old enough that we parents are only semi-involved, where before we helped them with each activity.  We just sort of hang back and watch and encourage, though we are still on the field.  There are also some activities that directly involve the parents.

Joshua does well in a lot of areas, but he somewhat struggles with listening.  He's generally been fine during soccer, but today they played Red Light / Green Light.  At one point, as you can see on the left, all kids were on the wall.  After being told to the instructions, they started the game.  After a minute, everyone was on the other side.  Except one guy, who was still absent-mindedly standing by the wall.  Yep, that was our little Joshua.

But he did well overall.  In particular, he's great with kicking.  He wasn't great at it last year, but he suddenly started consistently kicking with his left foot, and now he has great accuracy and power with his kicks.  Here is is showing that off during the activity where they stack cones and then kick the ball at the tower.

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