Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Healing Serum

We recently noticed Terrence had a dent in his eye. Like a small divot, basically. Pugs are known to have eye issues, and combining that with his age, we were worried it might mean he would lose an eye. It was sort of scary, because it looked like his eye was deflating and caving in. But when I took him to the vet, I was surprised when they told me it could be fixed with eye drops. They gave us two drops, one regular one, and one that was made with serum from his own blood. They said it was a relatively new technique. We were supposed to apply each type of drop three times a day. So we've been doing that for a few weeks now, and his eye really is getting better!  As you can see in the picture, it's still a little cloudy, but the divot is basically gone, as the drops have regenerated the eye tissue, which seems crazy, but I guess that's what's happening.  His vision is poor, but at least he still has both eyes and can at least see somewhat out of them.  We are thankful for modern veterinary medicine.

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