Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cabinet Kids

When Meghan's parents moved to Florida a decade or so ago, they gave us their china cabinet.  We found a place for it in our house at the time, and it was really nice to have it, and it was really useful.  When we moved to our new house, we decided the room that was designed to be the dining room would be a play room for the kids.  We already had a built-in china cabinet, and we weren't going to put a big glass hutch in a play room, so we decided to use just the bottom half (the cabinet part) as a toy cabinet and not use the top hutch.  It's actually worked out really well, as it obscures the messiness of the toys, but it gives an easy way for the kids to access them whenever they want.  Recently, though, Joshua realized that there is another way to make use of the cabinet: a cool climbing tunnel system with multiple visibility panels.  He realized the awesomeness of it, and then invited Clara to join him, who thought it was a great idea.  So now they climb in one door and out another, and if someone is nearby, they will request that we open or close doors as needed.  Here they are, looking like someone asked them to pose for this picture, but really they just happened to be in the right place at the right time for a pretty great picture.

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