Thursday, January 2, 2014

15 Months!

Today Hannah turned 15 months old. At her recent check-up, she was just a hair under 20 lbs and is 29.5 inches. She is in 9% for weight and 22% for height and remains smaller than Clara by a couple inches in height and an ounce or two in weight. She still isn't walking a great deal. She can take 5 or so steps at a time if she wants to, but does not often want to. She really doesn't like to fall so that impedes her progress because she would rather crawl all around than fall even once. She has really gained a lot of words recently and likes to throw balls and play with cars and our toy kitchen. She still thinks climbing stairs is pretty fun. She thinks bed time is pretty stupid, but she doesn't cry for long at all. She has a lot more preferences than she used to and also a sense of fairness. She now gets mad if I give Clara and Joshua chex, but she gets cheerios. Or she'll see me eating soup, which I typically don't give my kids soup until around 2 because they usually can't use a spoon well before that, but she wants whatever I have. She is very very picky about what she eats, maybe even more-so than Clara. She pretty much only likes carbs, fruit, and chicken strips. She is a major thrower, which we are trying to work on, but it's pretty annoying. She has changed a lot in the past three months and we love her so much!

Here are some of her words:
brush teeth

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