Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bedtime for Three

I had long-hoped that our girls would be able to share a room. I still have that hope, but I have realized it's not going to happen for another year or two. Clara is finally going to bed really well so I do feel like we could be fine for night time, but now their nap schedules don't line up so the daytime wouldn't work. Them sharing a room is my end-goal, but I don't see it actually happening until Clara is done with naps or possibly until they both are. So for now we have finally given Hannah her own space, in our former guest-room. Since we are not going to be putting a crib in Clara's room, we had space to get a loveseat, which I have really been wanting to get. It is very difficult to have bedtime with three kids on our rocker. It works okay with two kids, but three is just a tight fit, plus we often have one or more dogs and an occasional cat on there too. So I moved the rocker to Hannah's new room and got a loveseat for Clara's room. It is working out really well and now everyone can have a spot during story time.

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