Tuesday, March 4, 2014

National Pancake Day

At this point in our lives, Mardi Gras is not a big celebration for us. I do like to celebrate minor holidays, though, so I certainly would have planned something except I totally forgot about it. My main calendar doesn't have a lot of holidays on it and I keep meaning to find a way to overlay a holiday calendar onto it that includes things like Mardi Gras and Arbor Day, but I haven't done that yet. But luckily, Halie, our nanny, also likes celebrating minor holidays and today is not only Mardi Gras, but also Shrove Tuesday. This is pretty much the same as Mardi Gras, but a British thing rather than French. In Britain, pancakes are the tradition because it is a way to use up milk, butter, eggs, and any other rich or sweet foods you may be giving up for lent. So Halie made pancakes with the kids today to celebrate Shrove Tuesday, which has also become National Pancake Day. This was great also because the kids love pancakes, but Jason and I much prefer waffles so we only have pancakes a few times a year so it was a special treat for the kids.


  1. What happened to Clara's chin?

    1. Last time we had a nice day she was running on the driveway and face planted. It would be healed by now, but she pretty much picks it every single day, usually at night when she is falling asleep so I can't stop her. But I think in the next week it will be cleared up despite her best efforts.
