Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Boys Really Are Different

When we were at Ron and Peg's Sunday, we were talking about how boys are just not like girls. Of course there is a lot of room for individuality in either gender, but boys are just typically more energetic and noisy and dirty. And they tend to love sticks and dirt and think bodily functions are hilarious from a very young age. Of course many of those things are also true of Clara since she wants to be just like Joshua, but with Joshua they seem to be more innate, whereas Clara kind of forces herself on some of that stuff in her efforts to be as cool as Joshua. Anyway, Jason is out of town today so he isn't here and I had to go to the bathroom. When I came out, I saw Joshua just hanging on the mantle (sans clothes of course). Who does that? He thought it was really cool and was disappointed when I said we couldn't do that anymore. Clara would have really liked to be up there too, but she is at least six inches shorter so couldn't reach and is a lot less confident standing on the arm of the chair anyway. This is why it is pretty hard to have effective consequences for Joshua, both positive and negative. Though he wants good things and wants to avoid bad things, if it doesn't work out, he's cool with it. I mean all he needs is a piece of paper and a shoe to play baseball or a chair and a mantle to have his own personal gym.

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