Saturday, March 22, 2014


This evening Jason went to go help a friend move some things in their garage/basement cleanup project so the kids and I were on our own. I decided it was a good opportunity to watch Frozen, which I had bought last week. A lot of people with kids Joshua's age made it a first movie at the theater, but he is easily scared so I wasn't sure about it since I wasn't sure how scary it would be. However, it really wasn't scary because there is no witch and a lot of the scarier stuff in that movie goes over his head so he doesn't notice it. Both he and Clara liked it a lot. Hannah doesn't really watch tv much yet so she mostly played, though she likes it when a song comes on. As soon as it was over, Joshua said he wanted to watch "Anno" again, which apparently is what he is calling the character Anna. I definitely enjoyed it for a cartoon. I probably wouldn't make an effort to see it as an adult, but you could do worse. My goal for the last few years has been to watch 6 movies a year that are new to me. This is number one for 2014. I really struggle with meeting the goal and last year I barely made it by watching Elf in December to reach 6. But this year Jason isn't going to kickoff which is when the kids and I watch a lot of movies and we as of now aren't planning on going on a trip as a couple which is also when I watch movies. So I am a little worried about getting to 6 this year. So I am definitely glad to add this one to the list. And I am guessing I will see it another 30 times or so by the time the year is out.

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