Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Another Terrific Day at the Tempry House

On the day we arrived here, as we pulled up to the house I told the kids, "Hey guys, we've arrived at our new house!"  But then I realized they might think it was a new permanent house, so I quickly amended it with, "Well, our new temporary house" though I actually said it more for my own benefit of being accurate as I knew they wouldn't know what temporary meant.  I didn't think anything else of it until we were walking around the house exploring and Joshua said, "Is this our tempry house?"  So the name stuck with the kids, and now we're in our second full day at the "tempry house".

We had another night of non-ideal sleep, as Joshua and Clara ended up in our beds for various reasons.  But they certainly looked adorable when they were still asleep together this morning.  Also this morning I noticed how cool it was that all of our beach shoes were lined up along the wall in order of size and age.

While in Valparaiso, I noticed our car ran over a nail, and while it didn't appear to be leaking any more air after I initially refilled it, I didn't want to drive all the way home with a piece of metal plugging a hole in the tire, so today I took Joshua to go get the tire repaired. While we were gone, Meghan took the girls to a park and then to the Sugar Shak for some treats.

After I returned, and after lunch, we opted for some pool time.  Julie and Benjamin joined us, and Benjamin was super cute as he continued to explore the wonders of being in a pool. And of eating tennis balls.

After the kids were in bed, some of us adults were hanging out downstairs when I heard the distinct but faint tune of Angry Birds.  Joshua had come out of his room with the tablet and had migrated down half the stairs to the landing, wanting to be close to us but knowing he wasn't supposed to come downstairs and probably not realizing we could hear him.  But soon the music stopped, and I peeked up the stairs to see that he had fallen asleep on the hard wooden stair landing floor. I took him beck to his bed so he could sleep in a little more comfort.

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