Today is the last warm day in the foreseeable future so I definitely wanted to spend a lot of time outside, even though it was pretty windy. The kids wanted to walk to the park. This time I was prepared and brought the buggy board so everyone had a place. Of course they all wanted to ride on the board, but no one had a melt-down over that so it was fine. Clara is displaying her disappointed face here, though, since it's Joshua's turn.
We went to a park in a nearby subdivision since it's the only park with swings near our home if school is in session and so we can't use the school's playground. I always feel a little guilty about that because it's really meant for only residents of that subdivision and is not a public park. But there wasn't anyone else there, so I felt like we weren't taking resources from them, so I think it's probably okay. The kids had a lot of fun on the swings and slides.
After snack, we went back outside to ride bikes. Clara and Joshua can both pedal and steer (well enough. They still accidentally plow into the grass sometimes) now. Hannah refuses to even try pedaling and really doesn't even want to sit on a bike except her pushable trike. But since I can easily push one bike, we can now go on short little bike trips. A few days ago we went to the mail box, and today we went on a walk around our neighborhood. Clara especially loves her big wheel and loves to go really fast (for her. I can easily keep up with both kids on foot. Walking. I am guessing that may no longer be true next year and they might have to circle back to me, but for now we are a slow-moving group.).
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