Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bad Dog

Today the kids were at Ron and Peg's, as they are most Wednesdays. So while I would like to blame this turn of events on the kids or Jason (who is out of town), it's really me. Well, and Terrence. I have a super annoying habit of leaving doors and drawers slightly ajar pretty much everywhere I go. Not every single time I use them, but a lot of times.So today I had to run a few errands and I grabbed a granola bar on my way out. Well I must have left the pantry slightly ajar and that's all the opening Terrence needed. He opened a few things on the lower shelves including a bag of powdered sugar and a couple "juice boxes" of milk. Which actually wasn't that much and was easy to clean up except the liquid mixed with sugar made a gross and sticky mess that he got on his paws and tracked around the house. I have mopped twice now and there are still a few isolated sticky spots I am finding in random places so I think it will take me a few more times to totally eradicate them all. And I really hate cleaning so having to mop four extra times this week is not a happy turn of events for me. I'd like to think that's shame in Terrence's eyes in this photo, but really it's probably a mixture of pride and disappointment that he got caught.

1 comment:

  1. dogs do the trash randomly and it makes me very angry. I love his face in this pic.
